Site created and maintained by Steven Ittel
1. Alberta Spruce raft
Picea glauca 'Conica'
10 years in training (app. 12 yrs old)
Asian pot
Owner: Joseph Sauer
2. Brazilian Rain Tree
Pithecellobium tortum
7 years in training (app. 20 yrs old)
Owner: Peter Sobel
3. Dwarf Japanese Garden Juniper •
Juniperus prucumben nana
18 years in training (app. 26 yrs. old)
Chinese pot, Japanese Stand
Suiseki stone from Kyoto, Japan;
Daiza by Sean Smith
Owner: John Passante
4. Kingsville Boxwood
Buxus microphylla 'Compacta'
2 years in training (app. 20 yrs old)
Japanese pot
Owner: Bob Ruhe
5. Natal Plum
Carissa microcarpa
2 years in training (app. 5 yrs old)
Owner: Henri Vermeulen
6. Chinese Elm
Ulmus Parviflora
8 years in training ( app. 25 yrs old)
American Slab
Owner: David Tettemer
7. Tree of a Thousand Stars
Serissa foetida
7+ years in training (app. 20 yrs old)
Chinese pot
Owner: Stephen Gallo
8. American Larch (Cascade)
Larix laricina
6 years in training (app. 50+ yrs old)
Japanese pot, David Knittle Stand
Owner: Hank Gross
9. Japanese Black Pine
Pinus thumbergii
50 years in training
Yamaaki pot, -1960
Owner: John Kirby
10. Mountain Pine
Pinus mugho
6 years in training
Nick Lenz pot
Owner: Maureen Casey-Neems
MidAtlantic Bonsai Societies